Music Theory 1, 2 and ABRSM Theory

Music Theory 1 and 2 are continuation theory classes that develop skills attained year on year. They are provided free of charge to students of Cork City Music College and are held once a week in Coláiste Éamann Rís. These classes are suitable for instrumental students who are at the early stages of their instrumental learning who wish to strengthen their musical knowledge overall. Places are limited and are filled on a first-come-first-served basis. 

The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music (ABRSM) Theory class is also held weekly in Coláiste Éamann Rís for grades 1 to 5 and is available free of charge to students of all ages of CCMC. We recommend that students who have completed the Music Theory 1 and 2 courses avail of the ABRSM Theory class. Class sizes are small and places limited so booking is essential.

Please contact us directly to book a place in one of these theory classes or to receive advise on the best class for your child. External students are welcome to participate in the theory classes for a small fee. Class days and times for Music Theory classes may vary from year to year and we will advertise the schedule once the time-tabling is complete in August of every year.

If you are an adult or Leaving Cert. student looking for help with music theory please see Fast Track Theory.